Monday, November 24, 2014


ISO: 400
SS: 1/ 640
F: 13.0
ISO: 800
SS: 1/400
F: 7.1
ISO: 800
SS: 1/640
F: 8.0
ISO: 400
SS: 1/400
F: 16.0
ISO: 800
SS: 1/400
F: 16.0
ISO: 400
SS: 1/400
F: 9.0

ISO: 800
SS: 1/500
F: 13.0
ISO: 800
SS: 1/500
F: 9.0
ISO: 800
SS: 1/500
F: 7.1

Thursday, November 20, 2014



2. There was photos of modern day super heroes but dressed as people form mid-evil times. It shows a early cool new take on modern vs.  the past.

3.  I learned that even "boring" style photos can be REALLY interesting with the right elements.


a.     I LOVED how prominent his veins are.
b.     Background. Because of the solid background
Sacha Goldberger

a.     On this website was photos with super heroes and other characters but dressed from the mid evil time period.
b.     I learned that green buff guys look real cool against a black background.
c.     It had hella cool photos on it.



2. On this blog were some REALLY cool photos of children in nature. The kids were all in different places in what seemed to be to capture different themes/moods.

3. I learned that bright color and children can compliment each other greatly, even when the kids expressions rant over the top.


a. I choose this photo because of just how much I loved it. The way that its pretty much just her face that make up the entire photo is beautiful. 
b.I don't really see any… may rule of thirds.
c. Lisa Holloway

a. On this blog was beautiful photos of children in nature.
b. I learned that sometimes a facial expression can make of break a whole photo
c. This lady took cool photos of nature AND her kids.



2. This blog had a lot of different stars showing a lot of different styles of that era. You could tell this was from the 80's to 90's because of the clothing if you didn't know who any of the people were.

3. I learned that black and white photos can look cool is the subject of the photo still captures the viewers attention.

a. I choose this photo because i was really into how well this photo was balanced.
b. It has balanced elements, and a bit of depth with the buildings.
c. Lisa Leone’s 
a. On this photo was pictures of really chill people.
b. I learned that old photos can still make a huge impact
c. This showed viewers an interesting new way to look at an old subject.


2. This blog contained helpful tips on how to shoot a time-lapse photo. It had a video (which i couldn't access) but in the description it told step by step instructions of how to set up and shoot.

3. I learned specific techniques and tips in order to get better photos.

a. I choose this photo because I liked the colors and because i liked how long the photo seemed to go on.
b. It has depth of field.
c.Ian Norman

a. On the blog was cool tips about time-lapse and some amazing astrophotography. 
b. I learned tips to take rad photos
c. This site relates to photography because of the photos,photographers, and equipment's.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


     a.)Be sensitive to the direction of light
     b.)Reflections add an extra dimension to architectural images
     c.)Natural Frames
Photo by: Page was blocked
a.) I chose this photo because I loved how it seemed to be both in color and in black and white. The way that the lines made you follow the building all the way up to the sky was beautiful too.
b.) The lighting came from the sky in the top enter on the photo. It seems to be around mid-day. I would make sure the building blocks the sun while still getting its light.
c.) The photographer was standing straight in front of the build looking up. The subject of the photo is a building, possibly in a third world country. I think the photo is just perfect.   
d.)I can't see the traditional rules in this photo.

Photo by: Paolo Margari
a.) I chose this photo because the leading lines really drew me in. The colors were both vibrant  yet dull. They stood out but didn't force you to look at them.
b.) The lighting in this photo comes from the end of the tunnel during mid-day. Because its really the only light it forces you to look at it. I wouldn't change a thing.
c.) This photographer is standing as close to the tracks as you can in order to get this shot. The subjects is the train station. 
d.) I see leading lines and maybe some depth.

Photo by: Antonio Rino Gastaldi
a.) I chose this photo because to me it seems to tell a story. The bright colors catch your eye and force you to look to the center of the photo. And the symmetry of the building only adds to it.
b.) The lighting comes from behind the photographer. This photo could have been taking closer to the evening but still before sunset
c.) The photographer is standing almost even with the women. And pretty close to the building. The main subject is the women.
d.) In this photo contains symmetry and a bit of A- symmetry. 

Photo by: Dean Bouchard
a.) I choose this photo because i thought the colors were beautiful. I also loved it because of the two cool differing textures. The photographer got this photo at such a cool angle too.
b.) The lighting seem to be about mid-day. I believe it's coming from either directly above or from behind the photographer/
c.) The photographer seems to be crouching down and shooting up towards the building. The subject of this photo is the building AND the sky.
d.) This photo contains balancing elements. depth of field and leading lines.


a.) Bob Bullock musem
b.)State Capital
c.) 360 Bridge (penny backer)
d.) Zilker playground
e.) Zoom Lost statue park

a.) Its a lens that give super cool shots that you other wise couldn't get. you can move the lens like all around.
c.) Tripod, Wide angle lens,


1.) This posts mostly consisted of extremely helpful tips along with personal stories to help the reader feel more connected. when a reader is more connected to the reading then they are more likely to own up to their own mistakes and correct them.  
    a.) This is the best tip because it makes people become more self ware and give others opportunities. also you don't really wanna be in the same spot the entire event because your pictures won't be diverse. 
    b.) I don't know probably asked them once nicely to cut it out and if they don't stop bug them til they get fed up and just cut it out.
    c.) YAH I HAVE!!!! There as this old guy at a football game who I accidentally made mad at me before the game cause he thought I was annoying so like for the rest of the game every time i tried to move to get a new angle he'd follow me and stand right in front of my camera like a J-E-R-K!!! but I didn't really do anything cause I didn't wanna make the situation worse than it already was.

 1.) This blog was mostly about not being a total jerk when your shooting and not thinking you getting a photo is above  the bride and groom having a moment or something. Not only at weddings but at all the events where a lot of people are shooting.
2. Of course this is from the perspective of a guest. But lets think about this from the professional photographers eyes.
     a. I would just not let him get in the way of the job i'm hired to do.
     b.  Of course then they' have to be in some of the pictures because they're important to the bride and groom but I would let the other family members deal with the person because thats not my problem.
     c. Maybe talk to either the bride or groom about keeping a handle on their own guests. my job is to photograph, not babysit.

     d.  Oh my god I don't know, Possibly threaten to leave and not continue shooting. Or maybe get a family member and have them deal with it.

1.  This post is about not being bitchy when  your shooting and not thinking your photo are above anybody's else's because of your personal opinion. At every event you shoot.
     a. Probably the venues making rules about when we can take photos. it should be up to the bride and groom, not the venue.
     b. I don't know if I just have the bad luck of being in the right time at the right moment but I find myself in some very good places for shooting at like sports places and people then will often crowd around me and I'm short so sometimes I'll won't be able to shoot cause people wanted to shoot where I am……. it sucks.
     c. TBH it would depend just HOW MUCH I liked the person and if I would enjoy the thing they were asking me to shoot. And yah i would probably do it for free.

1. This blog post was of tips that you'd specifically want/need for this certain event. The tips mostly regarded things you want to bring with you.
     a. I would to go the Zilker or Dick Nichols for a photo walk.
     b. i would need probably a tripod, and a variety of lenses. And wear jeans because i may have to sit or kneel on the ground.
     c. I would prefer a nature walk just because i feel like i could get better photos and a more diverse set of photos instead of just shooting like street after street after street.
     d. yah i gues they should be able to go. so they can keep improving their skills.

Friday, November 7, 2014

SS: 1/25
ISO: 3200
F: 1.8 
SS: 1/20
ISO: 3200
F: 14.0 
SS: 1/50
ISO: 3200
F: 14.0 
SS: 1/60
ISO: 3200
F: 13.0 
SS: 1/50
ISO: 3200
F: 8.0 
SS: 1/40
ISO: 3200
F: 1.8
SS: 1/60
ISO: 3200
F: 13.0
SS: 1/25
ISO: 3200
F: 1.8 
time: 2:00pm
SS: 1/25
ISO: 3200
F: 1.8
time: 6:00pm
(captures the esense of bordem)
SS: 1/60
ISO: 3200
F: 4.0
time: 2:30ish 
SS: 1/50
F: 1.8
(captures the esence of mysreyish stuff)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


ISO: 200
F: 7.1 
SS: 1/100
ISO: 800
F: 1.8
SS: 1/4000
ISO: 800
F: 4.0