Semester Final Exam
1. This semester, the most important thing i've learned is all the different things I can do with settings. You can get like 8 different photos just by changing your settings. Its helped me get better photos for both this class and yearbook.
2. I can't really think of anything we could have spent more time on. I felt like we spent a pretty adequate time on everything. I was kinda slow at catching on to a couple things but i eventually figured it out and was able to keep up.
3. Two things i need to continue to work on in light room are not saturating as much, and maybe experimenting with some black and white stuff. Because i want to be able to get better and much more diverse photos.
4. I absolutely think its acceptable. Its really nice to have projects given to us weeks in advanced so we can have a lot of time to complete them. That way we can shoot and re-shoot and we don't have to rush.
5. I enjoyed the kind of light painting stuff. I don't think mine turned out real well but i enjoyed doing it cause once i figured out how to do it I got some with really pretty colors. those are always my favorite photos, ones with bright, bold colors.
6.It was kind of hard to do the project where we had to make it blurry on purpose. I understand why we did it, it was just difficult because in yearbook if the photos even a little bit out of focus or a persons hand is blurry, we can't use it. So it was just hard shooting the "opposite" of what I had previously learned.
7.I'm most excited about the time-lapse video. Because it looks REALLY cool and I want to know how to do that very badly. I already have a lot of ideas of what I could shoot too.
8. Not really any I can think of. I'm just pumped for all the different things were gonna get to do.
9. I just enjoy photography as a hobby. I really like it but I don't see my self going to collage with it. I want to be a teacher, not a photographer.
10. I don't think we need to spend time on it. Maybe a little with the lens's so people know they have more options.
I couldn't decide
12. I can't think of anything you could change. Maybe be a bit more strict with due date? I know for me I felt like I didn't really have to turn things in on their due dates because I thought i'd still get the same grade. I don't know, i didn't rally turn things in late though so that would't really affect me.